Why Is Church Membership Important?
Church membership is a way of officially identifying yourself with a local body of believers. It is a declaration that you are in agreement with Mountain Life’s Vision, Values and Statement of Faith and are accepting the responsibilities of representing Christ in this way.
Church membership is a covenant relationship with other members to mutually support and encourage one another and use your time, talents & resources to serve one another in love.
Church membership places you under the spiritual protection and authority of godly leaders and provides you with the mutual accountability you need to grow in Christlikeness.
Church membership ccon many important church decisions, including voting on the leadership team candidates, annual budget, the hiring of a senior pastor, building expansion and more.
As a member, you make a deep commitment to weave yourself into the very fabric of the church tapestry, so that your participation has a determining effect on how Mountain Life Church lives out its vision.
Process of Membership at Mountain Life
Submit a Completed Membership Application
Or, contact Laura for the membership application.
Once completed, the application is reviewed by a member of the pastoral staff to confirm that the applicant meets the basic requirements for membership, i.e. that he/she:
- has shown themselves to be a true Christian
- is willing to act in accordance with the Bylaws and policies of Mountain Life Church
- desires to share in the fellowship and ministry of this church.

Application Submission
Application submitted to Leadership Team for formal approval.

Approval and Welcoming
Approved applicants publicly welcomed into membership during a Sunday service.