Global Impact

Reaching Out With the Love of Christ
At Mountain Life Church we envision a world of hope where people and communities thrive through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We believe in focusing our global outreach efforts for a lasting impact in God’s Kingdom by building relationships where people and communities experience the reconciliation of broken relationships, restoration of hope and health, and the dignity of following Jesus.

At any given time we support 10-12 individual missionaries globally and maintain several strategic partnerships in Haiti, Indonesia, South Africa and Nepal. We actively encourage our congregation to be the hands and feet of Jesus so that, “…they may have life and have it to the full.” Take a look below to learn more about how you can get involved globally, how you can be part of our Global Impact Team or to learn about and pray for our global partners.

Another way that we are reaching out with the love of Christ is through our partnership with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. Learn more about our Crisis Response Team at the bottom of this page.
Join The Mission
Mountain Life's Global Impact Team

The Global Impact Team is a group of lay leaders tasked with managing, growing and nurturing Mountain Life’s Global Impact Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to effectively share the Gospel of Christ with the people of our world through compassionate and wholistic ministry changing the lives of those served and those serving. We accomplish our purpose through strategic partnerships with missionary organizations, individual missionaries and church organizations around the globe.
The Global Impact Team meets monthly and our meetings are open to all who call Mountain Life Church their home.
We offer members of the Mountain Life Church community the opportunity to enter service to develop a passion for God and compassion for people. We strive to provide accessibility to the mission field for a wide spectrum of the Mountain Life Church family – adults, students, kids and families through short-term mission trips. We want to leverage our spiritual and physical gifts and talents to have a true Kingdom impact.
Global Partners
Mountain Life Church, in partnership with some amazing missionaries and organizations, is being used by God around the globe to bring a message of hope, healing and restoration through Jesus to a hurting world. We’d like to introduce you to our Global Partners so you can pray for them and maybe even join them on a short- or long-term mission one day.
Crisis Response Team
The Crisis Response Team at Mountain Life Church develops, empowers and releases the body of Christ to share His love in times of crisis. When disaster strikes in North America, this team responds and ministers immediately to the needs of those affected by the disaster and to bring the Gospel to those looking for answers. Based on each community’s specific needs following a disaster, the Crisis Response Team may be involved in debris removal, gutting and rebuilding homes, delivering relief supplies, support and care for churches and people impacted by the disaster, prayer, and investing in the lives of homeowners and their neighbors. The Crisis Response Team is a vital ministry, bringing the hope of the Gospel to those who have lost so much.
Mountain Life Church has partnered with EFCA ReachGlobal (the International Mission of the Evangelical Free Church of America) to be one of the 25/25 churches with 25 people trained and willing to respond following a crisis in North America. The team meets monthly for training and team-building.
Regional Impact

The goal of Regional Impact at Mountain Life Church is to bring Christ’s love into our neighborhoods and communities.
When we develop a heart that is aware of one another’s needs and a spirit that is compelled to meet those needs, we are able to bring God’s grace and love in life changing ways. Meeting people’s physical and spiritual needs in Park City and its surrounding communities offers many opportunities to share the message of hope found in Jesus Christ. As a church, we recognize and promote Utah as a mission field. Therefore, we have partnered with several organizations regionally to make the biggest impact on our communities.
Our Regional Partners
CCPC is a Christian, humanitarian community resource center that helps improve the lives of people and communities through meeting immediate and basic needs, serving as a leading networker of community resources, offering counseling and care support, and by giving hope to those we serve.
Ways that Mountain Life Church Partners with CCPC:
*Back to School Basics: Serve the 200+ volunteers at this event with hot beverages, snacks and a smile.
*Goshute Tribe Family Mission Trip: Send families to do community projects, run a VBS for the tribal kids and build relationships.
*Operation Hope and Easter Baskets: Provide hundreds of Bibles (English and Spanish).
*Volunteering: Life Groups and individuals from Mountain Life volunteer hundreds of hours serving the various needs the Christian Center has throughout the year.
Intermountain Christian School offers an exemplary Christ centered learning community, preschool – 12th grade all on one beautiful campus, located at the base of Big Cottonwood Canyon. Jesus is at the center of all they do and teach. The school exists to equip and inspire students in a way that they will thrive in God’s world upon graduation and into their adult years. ICS offers learning through play for little ones, and advanced AP courses for older students. Their students habitually exceed state and national averages on their SATs and have an incredibly high ratio of involvement in extra-curricular activities. The faculty and staff are committed to caring for the whole student and pray specifically for each student regularly. ICS is proud of its students and inspired by seeing what they do with their education. That’s why they are so deeply committed to launching the next generation of leaders and disciple-makers.
Ways that Mountain Life Church Partners with Park City Young Life:
*Hundreds of volunteer hours are put in each year by Mountain Lifers serving as volunteer leaders or committee members, attending Young Life fund-raising events, hosting Young Life Club or by simply telling others in the community about Young Life and its commitment to kids.
Ways that Mountain Life Church Partners with the Pregnancy Help Center of Park City:
*Annual Baby Bottle Drive: Thousands of dollars raised for the Pregnancy Help Center for operating costs and to purchase much-needed equipment.
*Administrative & Counseling: Hundreds of volunteer hours are put in each year by Mountain Lifers serving in various administrative and counseling roles.
The Summit County Prison Ministry believes that even the most broken lives and situations can be restored and made whole through the love of Christ.
Ways that Mountain Life Church is Partnering with Summit County Prison Ministry:
*Christmas Gifts: Hundreds of Christmas gifts purchased by Mountain Lifers and given to kids on behalf of their incarcerated parent.
*Church Services: Conducting church services and Bible studies at the Summit County Jail.
*Baptisms: Baptizing new believers at the Summit County Jail.
If you would like more information about serving with the Summit County Prison Ministry through Mountain Life Church, contact
Roger Williams | 574.596.8773